Process for Engagement Request
Engage with an MIDB Hub for assistance with a Research or Project Request
- Investigator completes MIDB Request for Service Form at least 16 weeks prior to deadline (for pre-award/project preparation requests) or 16 weeks prior to project start (for post-award/project execution requests). Requests submitted after 16 weeks will be considered based on core capacity
- OR Investigator completes MIDB Request for Service Addendum Form when needing to update an existing request
- MIDB Research team at [email protected] reviews requests and contacts investigator within 7 days
- Investigator meets with applicable Core personnel to determine project needs and effort (generally within 2-3 weeks)
- If project is utilizing CNBD research space, Scientific Advisory Committee reviews request for fit and resource allocation
- MIDB research team communicates budgeting information and MIDB Statement of Work to investigator
- Investigator signs & returns MIDB Statement of Work
- Depending on request, cores either complete pre-award/project preparation work or commence post-award/project execution work
- Accepted projects will be assigned to an MIDB project manager. More information about MIDB project management support can be found here
For questions related to engagement requests, please email [email protected].