
MIDB Service Hubs Neuroimaging

Neuroimaging Hub: Advancing our understanding of brain development by supporting investigators with resources to ensure high rigor and innovation in neuroimaging for development neuroscience research

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Our Expertise

We are experts in state-of-the-art approaches in image acquisition, experimental design, preprocessing, data analysis, and flexible data sharing.

We foster collaboration within and across institutions to build teams with the highest possible degree of expertise.  Ultimately, we seek to better understand the neural basis of cognition, emotion, and perception, discovering interactions between the brain, behavior, and the environment that shape changes throughout typical and atypical development.

Our Director

Steven Nelson

Steven Nelson, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics

How We Engage


Nora Byington

Nora Byington, BS
Neuroimaging Specialist
Masonic Institute for the Developing Brain

Steven Nelson

Steven Nelson, PhD 
Associate Professor
Department of Pediatrics

Kimberly Weldon

Kimberly Weldon, PhD
Research Project Specialist
Masonic Institute for the Developing Brain

Resources for Investigators


Siemens 3T Prisma Fit whole body MRI Scanner

The MIDB houses a Siemens 3T Prisma Fit whole body MRI scanner installed in 2021. The scanner is equipped with XR 80/200 gradient system with parallel transmit capabilities. A 64ch head/neck coil, 32ch head coil, 20ch head coil, and 16ch pediatric coils are available for use.  See the installation video here.

Examples of Engagement

brain illustraion

Neuroimaging Hub

  • Cullen, Kathryn – The effect of creativity intervention on creative processing in brain networks (May 2022)
  • Opitz, A. – Using fMRI to select targets in motor cortex for guided TMS (June 2022)
  • Conelea, C. and Nelson, S. – Feasibility of deep phenotyping in adolescents with depression, Tourette, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (July 2022)
  • Wozniak, J. – Neuroimaging and fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) (July 2022)
  • Fair, D. – Subpopulations in ADHD and ASD (July 2022)
  • Nahas, Z. – MRI-guided implantation of electrodes for treatment resistant depression (TRD) (Jul/Aug 2022)
  • Feczko, E. – Enhanced biofeedback in adolescents using FIRMM (Aug 2022)