
Translational MIDB Service Hubs

Translational Hub: Generate new laboratory discoveries about neurodevelopment that can be rapidly and safely translated to the clinical research and clinical care delivery settings in MIDB.

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Our Expertise

The MIDB Translational hub analyzes biospecimens to facilitate novel biomarker discoveries in neurodevelopment in support of early discovery and translational research.

Translational Hub Service Offerings

Labeled List of Validated Markers

Our Co-Directors


Phu Tran, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Bart Larsen, PhD, Department of Pediatrics, Institute of Child Development

How We Engage


yolanda gondwe

Yolanda Gondwe, MPH
Research Project Manager

Phu Tran

Phu Tran, PhD


Bart Larsen, PhD


Examples of Engagement

Octoner 10-11th, 2022. Uniiversity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

Hosting of the United States Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Society

The leadership of the Translational Core will be hosting the annual meeting of the United States Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Society from October 9-11, 2022.  The main theme is “Environmental Exposures: Assessment Methodologies, Mechanisms, and Health Outcomes”. Learn more about the United States Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Society.

side profile of pregant person

Supporting Development of Treatment for Iron Deficiency Anemia

Iron deficiency (ID) anemia is the foremost micronutrient deficiency worldwide, affecting around 40% of pregnant women and young children. ID during the prenatal and early postnatal periods has a pronounced effect on neurodevelopment, resulting in acute deficits in early life, and more importantly, long-term effects such as cognitive impairments and increased risk for neuropsychiatric disorders. The MIDB Translational team demonstrated in preclinical models appropriate timing of choline supplementation can rescue some of these long-term effects (e.g., improved learning and memory). These findings were a basis for a clinical trial where choline supplementation was used to mitigate the neurocognitive impairments of children exposed to alcohol in utero (FASD).  Learn more about the trial.