Angie Mejia, PhD
Community Engagement and Education (CEEd) Core
Angie P. Mejia has a PhD in sociology, specializing in mental health disparities, and extensive training in qualitative and community-based participatory research (CBPR) methods, all under the mentorship of nationally-recognized sociologists and health disparities scholars.
This academic training is strengthened by over 20 years of accumulated experience as a child of civil rights activists as well as past work as a health promoter, community advocate, and community-engaged professional. This experience as a scholar and academic has put her on the path of becoming a subject matter expert in using community-engaged methods that incorporate the voice, perspective, and funds of knowledge from marginalized individuals, groups, and communities.
She situates her scholarly research in conversation with works that foreground a feminist and critical sociology approach to studying health inequities. This conversation is enriched by theoretical and methodological insights from affect and cultural studies, U.S. Women of Color (WOC), and transnational feminisms.
Further, her approach to research design, methods, and data analysis is influenced by her position as a Woman of Color and Latina who theorizes and honors conocimientos (knowledge) that emerges from WOC experiential knowledge, and whose research is rooted in Chicanx/Latinx feminist epistemology and praxis.