MIDB Artwork Spotlight: “Journey”
Created by Gregg Rochester, the 36" x 36" giclee print on canvas "Journey" was installed at MIDB earlier this year and is now part of our permanent art collection.
“‘Journey” has been a favorite at MIDB. The placement of the piece is perfect, letting the pink, blues, and greens from the glass panels in the children's play area mimic the similar colors in the piece, while the rolling fields remind us of rural Minnesota,” said Nik Fernholz, chair of MIDB's Art Program Committee. “When Gregg found out that children would be seeing the piece, he added the sheep at the last minute.”
Rochester’s mother, Jacqueline, is a career painter and encouraged him to pursue oil painting in 1991. Inspired by the American Midwestern and Southwestern countryside, he began producing landscapes and animal studies. He has a bachelor's degree in psychology and English, and a PhD in clinical psychology.
According to his online artist bio, “Rochester’s contemplative work seeks to stir the natural spirituality and grace of the land and the animals closest to it. He seeks to express the comfort many feel as they gaze upon the countryside.”